Town-Tokri presents the first time in Narnaul city, a delicious and memorable variety of Choco-Volcano cake. The cake is freshly baked and crafted in such a way that your heart will melt with the flow of its melted chocolate and a WOW factor would definitely come to you.
Cake contains a rich chocolated layered base and is freshly prepared with dark melted Belgian-chocolate, lots of dry fruits, brownies, sugar-coated chocolates and much more to fall in love with it at the first sight. The cake is equally good in taste as it is on its looks. So would love the finger-licking taste which you have been looking for.
Directions to use Choco-Volcano cake:
• The cake comes with a main round base protected in a transparent cover sheet and two seperate boxes containing melted dark chocolate and toppings respectively.
• Pour all the melted chocolate on the top of cake base. Make sure the chocolate is in liquid form before pouring onto the cake.
• Sprinkle the provided toppings on the cake after melted chocolate. Distribute the topping evenly on the top.
• Remove the transparent cover sheet by slowly up-lifting the sheet from the cake and let the melted chocolate flow like a volcano on the top of the cake.
• Serve to the lovedones and enjoy the fresh Town Tokri’s Choco-Volcano cake.
Note: Put the cake base in refrigerator until use. The melted chocolate needs to be in liquid state, therefore during winter season you might need to microwave it before use. Please consume the cake within 24 hours for the best taste.